Political prisoners in Croatia

Political imprisonment in Croatia was a factor in Croatian history during its time in the Yugoslavian state.

Croatia's political prisoners' law recognizes those who were imprisoned during the period between December 8, 1918 (the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) and October 8, 1991 (the day Croatia severed all ties to Yugoslavia).[1] Former political prisoners receive compensation for time spent in jail and subsequent time spent unable to secure a job.[1] Political prisoners are organized into the Croatian Society of Political Prisoners (Hrvatsko društvo političkih zatvorenika)


Political prisoners

Before World War II




  1. ^ a b 34 19.05.1995 Zakon o pravima bivših politièkih zatvorenika
  2. ^ Marko Veselica Biography
  3. ^ Bivši zatvorenik bacao letke u Saboru
  4. ^ Violations of the Helsinki accords, Yugoslavia: a report prepared for the Helsinki Review Conference, Vienna, November 1986 (p. 35)

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